Trine's Overlooked Film Festival continues with 'Won't You Be My Neighbor'

ANGOLA (10/11/2018) — Trine University's Overlooked Film Festival will continue Monday, Oct. 15, with "Won't You Be My Neighbor."

The Overlooked Film Festival gives members of Trine's local community the opportunity to watch free films that were not released locally or that were generally "overlooked" at the time of their release. All films will be shown at 7 p.m. at the Fabiani Theater in the Rick L. and Vicki L. James University Center.

The film festival is one of Trine's major community outreaches, bringing everyone together once a week to enjoy a film. The event's audience is a mix of students, community members, and Trine faculty and staff.

Fabiani has a maximum capacity of 320 guests, so it's recommended that attendees with specific seating preferences arrive early.

Popcorn sales will be unavailable due to the university's fall break.

"Won't You Be My Neighbor," rated PG-13, is a documentary that tells the story of the life and work of children's entertainer Fred Rogers, star of the PBS classic "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood." This film takes a look beyond the land of make-believe and into the heart of a creative genius who communicated themes of empathy and acceptance during a time of emotional turmoil in the United States.