William Leismer
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Class of 2015
  • Milford, IN

William Leismer inducted into Order of the Engineer

2015 Nov 11

William Leismer was one of 23 Trine University engineering students to participate in an Order of the Engineer ring ceremony May 6. Leismer is an electrical engineering graduate from Milford (46542).

The ring ceremony is the public induction of candidates into the Order of the Engineer, an organization that fosters a spirit of pride and responsibility in the engineering profession, bridges the gap between training and experience and presents to the public a visible symbol identifying the engineer, according to the organization.

During the ceremony, engineering students are invited to accept the Obligation of the Engineer and a stainless steel ring is placed on the smallest finger of the working hand. The obligation is a creed similar to the oath attributed to Hippocrates that is generally taken by medical graduates and which sets forth an ethical code. The obligation contains parts of the Canon of Ethics of major engineering societies and initiates pledges to uphold the standards and dignity of the engineering profession and to serve humanity by making the best use of Earth's resources, according to the Order of the Engineer website.