- Civil Engineering
- Villa Park, IL
Daniel Head performing with Trine University Percussion Ensemble
2019 Apr 16
Trine University's wind and percussion ensembles will present a free concert beginning at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 28, in the Ryan Concert Hall of the T. Furth Center for Performing Arts.
The Percussion Ensemble, under the direction of Prof. Alyssa Newbill, will open the program. The ensemble will perform "Habanera" by Georges Bizet, arranged by Brian Slawson; "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" by Johann Sebastian Bach, arranged by Brian Slawson; and "Cupla Cups" by John Hearnes.
Performing with the percussion ensemble will be Daniel Head of Villa Park. Head is majoring in Civil Engineering at Trine University.
The Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Prof. Mark Kays, chair of Trine's Music Department, will focus on "Scriptures," with each piece of music inspired by a passage or passages from the Bible. Works will include:
- "Abram's Pursuit" by David Holsinger, based on Genesis 14:14-15
- "Chorale Prelude: Be Thou My Vision" by Jack Stamp, based on Psalm 25: 4-5 and Psalm 28:7
- "Fallen, Fallen is Babylon" by Jared Spears, based on Revelation 18:2
- "On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss" by David Holsinger, based on Psalm 46: 1-3
- "Salvation Is Created" by Pavel Tschesnokoff, arranged by Bruce Houseknecht, based on Matthew 1:21, and,
- "The Universal Judgment" by Camille DeNardis, arranged by Antonio Cafarella, based on Hebrews 9:27, Ecclesiastes 12:14 and Psalm 103:12.